The first point to be considered when placing chiller devices (cooling groups) is the distance of the device from surrounding objects. It is important for the personnel to be able to move freely during the service process to be carried out when necessary, and for a component to be removed from the device to be removed from the device without any problem when necessary. In high-capacity devices, these criteria should be taken into account as the components can only be lifted with the help of a forklift or crane.
Chiller devices are widely used both as an industrial cooling system and in HVAC systems. For this reason, periodic maintenance to the devices is important for;
- Device lifetime
- Malfunction risk
- Energy consumption
- Repair costs
- Refrigerant leakage in terms of environmental effects
General periodical maintenance procedures and the parameters to be controlled for chiller devices are given below in items. The increase in the workload may be uncomfortable at the beginning of these procedures, however, it is a definite fact that it is a worthwhile application when the results are taken into consideration
Daily Maintenance
1- Control of inlet-outlet pressure differences in the condenser and evaporator 2- Suction and discharge pressures in the refrigerant circuit
3- Measurement of electrical ampere value differences 4- Crankcase oil level and oil pressure
5- Observation of noise and vibration differences
Weekly Maintenance
1- Observation of fluid leakage
2- Oil control
3- Cleaning the condensers with air
Monthly Maintenance
1- Filters in water circuits
Annual Maintenance
1- Status of all electrical materials 2- Safety systems controls
- Pump gaskets
- Calibration of control elements
- Cleaning the electrical circuit contacts 6- Replacement of oil filters (if any)
With these checks and processes, you will ensure that your system can work for long years with an efficiency similar to the first day of operation.